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Branded Convention Booth

How can a device the size of a matchstick hold the power to transform the lives of patients with chronic diseases?

The Medici Drug Delivery System™ (from Intarcia), which is placed under the skin and designed to deliver continuous medication for at least 6 months, has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. The solution:

"The Medici happiness burst," a giant flare of hope, color, and goodness that is contained in such a small device. A 360º sensory experience featuring all-day demonstrations of the procedure gathered crowds from around the hall. The light show from the ceiling and the vibrant artwork left a lasting impression well beyond the debut weekend. In the end we conveyed the BIG potential hidden within this SMALL device.


Unbranded Convention Booth

Intarcia wanted to prime the market in advance of its launch of ITCA 650, a revolutionary matchstick-size implant that provides continuous delivery of a critical type 2 diabetes (T2D) medication. The challenge: how to convince HCPs at the largest diabetes meetings in the world that non-adherence in T2D. Booth visitors were challenged to confront this reality and how a new treatment approach may be the key to future success. ATU results demonstrated tremendous uptake of this message and interest in ITCA 650 has never been stronger.

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